Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hence, Cuteness Ensues

This morning, I found 2 kittens curled up outside with a larger cat, presumably their mother. But most likely, their body guard cat, like Heathcliff used to have.

I wondered how the mother cat already had kittens, since 6 months ago she was well tiny herself. This line of questioning ended when I saw the kittens playing around my tomato plants. The tabby managed to climb in and sit in one of the pots, which caused the grey one to try and pull the tabby out by it's tail. This chain of events caused me to form my "kittens are easily tricked by dimensions and barriers in regards to semi-translucent materials" theory, which I also then proved. On the spot.

This whole cuteness saga also led me to finally realize the synergy between kittens and tomatoes when Tab the tabby (named after the soda) curled up around my tomato, sheltering him from wind and providing vital love minerals for the fruits to grow.