On OKCupid.com, a free dating site with women who know how to post photos that they didn't take themselves while making kissy faces in the mirror, there is a matching system. Based on your interests, your attributes/skills (cause women like a guy with skills), how you answer questions and where Venus is in the sky, you are considered a percentage match to the other person. This comes in the form of % Match, % Enemy and % Friend. Recently I got an email with the title "Anti-Match." Read for yourself:
"According to OKCupid we are a 0% match. I think that's awesome."
I disagreed:
"I know you like laughter, but I hate it. You're a teacher, but I think education is stupid. You have a huge crush on Harry Potter, however, and I used to as well, so I'd say we're more like an 11.7% match. Not 12%, cause I hate rounding. Which also cost us those three-tenths of a percentage match points."