Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Reported by a reputable news source, April 23rd, 2008 -

On Tuesday it was announced that President for Life of His Own Bedroom, L Bo, has gone ahead and passed legislation authorizing the construction of a border fence to keep out illegal immigrant cats. The bill has met with some resistance, especially from noted feline friend James Cash Penney, who claims we should adopt these cats and keep them in our apartment, rather than "throw jelly beans at them early in the morning." In my defense, it was only the orange ones, which nobody wants to eat anyway.

"Clearly," said L Bo, speaking to a sold out crowd of well-wishers, lovely ladies and the occasional protractor throwing detractor, "the measures I've taken so far to keep these no-good furry beasts out of the yard have not worked. Despite creating what I thought to be an impenetrable blockade by sealing off every entrance way I saw with plywood and cinder blocks, these clever cats keep finding ways to get in. When chased out, often they find themselves running in circles trying to find an escape route, but can apparently contort and collapse their entire bone structure to fit through quarter sized holes. In one susceptible corner, I created a 6 foot high wall to keep them out. Yet when pursued, Whitey McKittenhead was able to scramble up the 90 degree angled plywood and leap to safety. Despite my hatred for Felis silvestris catus, I couldn't help but be impressed by it's feat of daring and climbing ability."

"How can we hope to win against an enemy like this, one willing to do whatever it takes to crap in my vegetable bed and meow loudly at obscene, single digit hours of the morning? All I know is if we don't fight them, they will follow us home. This wall MUST be built, and hopefully afterwards the extra measure of a moat filled with fearsome sea monsters, but not of the cephalopod variety. Thank you for gathering today, and together, we can eradicate this menace."

On the pro-cats disrupting life side are L Bo's neighbors, pentagenarian Ana and her man-child son, Squeaky Von Pubertybergsondale. When asked to stop feeding the cats due to their violation of his raised bed garden, Anna replied, despite knowing they weren't her cats and were feral and annoying as all hell, that "I have to. If I don't, they'll starve." When pressed about the dead kitten found outside L Bo's window last year and the kitten head discovered in the yard that later disappeared this month, Anna stood their dumbfounded. Her son later complained to L Bo about being kept awake by pitiful meowing late at night and around 4 AM, and about how hard it was to keep the cats out of the yard no matter how many plastic forks are buried up to their pointy hilts to discourage entrance. When informed they might come in less if his mom and him stopped feeding them, Squeaky said "No, I don't think so. They'll come in anyway. I'm pretty sure I'm right and not at all stupid; there's obviously no connection between me leaving food for them and them trying at all costs to come in for the food." Indeed Squeaky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.