Thursday, January 08, 2009

Superman Returns: This Time, He's After Your Fiancee

I just started watching Superman Returns for the first time on cable, which isn't my preferred method, but I'm cheap. So far, I'm only through the credits, but they sucked so much I'm not sure if I can keep watching. Never before have I seen credits that have annoyed me, definitely not to the degree these cheap side effects did. Way to bite off a 5-year old's weak attempts at recreating the opening to Star Wars. In between vomiting, I noticed James Marsden's in the movie. He better be Cyclops, and Green Lantern better show up. Or else.


45 minutes into the movie, I present: Things I Would Have Been Thinking Had My Brain Not Shut Off:

-It's probably really cold in the Fortress of Solitude, yet Lex had no gloves on. Probably really slippery too, what with all that ice. There should really be a caution sign somewhere.

-Superman looks way too young to be Superman. And his jawline isn't square enough.

-This movie sucks.

-Why is time completely static in this? The newspaper, the characters especially Jimmy Olsen, all feel like they're from 1930's.

-At the very least, Lois should be suffering from a pretty bad case of death by being beaten around her whole body by the plane.

-I have bigger pecs than Superman. Biceps too.

-Capes don't flutter in space when standing still because there is no wind in space. No one can hear you scream, either. Unless there's a bunch of you on a ship or something.

-How come everyone forgets bullets bounce off Supes? The point-blank shot to the eye was kinda cool.

-Batman would beat the crap out of this pansy, lovesick, college freshman Superman faster than you could say "Joker escaped from Arkham again."

-Shit man, if I had superpowers, I'd be pulling so much tail...I mean, I'd be successfully courting lots of young ladies.

-Why was there a cannibalistic dog? Why did the wigs freak Lois out? Did they really have to make the little boy have super powers? What about the physics behind Superman's super sperm?

-Lex breaking off a kryptonite shiv in Supes' kidney area was pretty badass. However, there's still 45 minutes left. Why? Why so much time? Make this movie shorter, The Past!!

-Lois opens a window on A PLANE to throw out the kryptonite. Fiance says "What are you doing?" Then Superman opens window, stands there for a moment, and leaves. Deleted dialogue: "What is wrong with you people? You can't just open doors on planes. They're not like car windows. Have you never flown commercial? There's a reason those windows don't...HEY! Hey, Superman, where do you think you're going? Leaving the door open too...real nice. What, were you raised in a barn? Ha, I guess you sorta were. Still, close the damned door. Someone. Lois? Lois??!!"

-What an incredibly weak ending to an incredibly weak movie. Lex is trapped on a desserted island, Superman is able to fly a giant hunk of kryptonite without falling into his usual convulsions when even a little is nearby, and in the end, he doesn't get the girl. Which I'm actually happy about, because it would be pretty shitty to steal Cyclops' woman after he went back to save your ass. That's completely against the bro code.

-Man, this movie really sucked.


Unknown said...

-i wish i had a job and didn't have to resort to superman to fill my time.

(i think you accidentally deleted that one.) :)

(of course, who am i to talk? i let brian and fred drag me to a midnight screening of that crap almost three years ago. i almost tore my eyeballs out.)

L BO said...

No, cause I actually wanted to see the movie, geeking out over anything superhero related. But Superman is actually my least favorite major hero. I'm glad it wasn't just me who thought this sucked.

I do wish I had a job though. Find one for me please?

Jesse said...

How did Superman not break Lois Lane in half? She's a friggin' twigglet in this movie. How do you learn to be a gentle lover if you're Superman? That must be quite a trail of dead hookers from the Kent Farm to Metropolis...

HumanDynamo said...

So I shouldn't see this movie?

L BO said...

No, you definitely should. This way, I'd have someone else I could discuss the movie with who'd understand how bad it is.

L BO said...

Ben Affleck, on hearing there's a 10-07:
"No, bullshit, because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HA!"