Monday, July 20, 2009

We Like You Very Much, Come Work For Us

I'm not sure if everyone has heard, but apparently we're in some type of recession or bad economy currently. I figured this out on my own after seeing just about no jobs to apply to, and getting rejected by all the ones I did. So I did what any photographer struggling to get by would do, and sold my soul to work for a children's portraiture studio. Irvin Simon, a well-known school portrait company that had taken my camp photos as a youth, was looking to hire photographers. Job requirements included knowing when to give a child a cheap plastic comb to fix his hair, making sure the child looked as uncomfortable and unnatural as possible, and being mildly to completely uninterested in all the proceedings. I applied for the position and received back the good news that they were "impressed with [my] resume and or resume." Excitement flooded me, as I was impressed by their clear commitment to handwriting and carefully screening all their emails. I called and left a number where they could reach me, but perhaps I didn't stress that I was a qualified applicant (I own a car).


Keysie said...

Congrats! That's awesome news :)

L BO said...

uhm. yes. sort of. i think you missed the part where they wrote me an email saying they were impressed with my resume and/or website, but they left out the slash. oh, and they never got back to me.

L BO said...

after i called i mean.

Keysie said...

oh, well that's not cool. perhaps i should write them a strongly worded letter...bah! those jerks wouldn't appreciate your talent anyways :)