Thursday, April 15, 2010


I know how this sounds (mostly because HD told me how it sounds) but I decided to go for an extension on my taxes this year since everyone at work was talking about how great extensions are and how they're easy to get. I didn't think to ask them how to get one, thinking all I'd have to do is go to the IRS' website and there'd be a link that said "want an extension? click here!" and it wouldn't lead me to some weird porn site.

Apparently, in order to get an extension you actually have to do your taxes, or at the very least estimate them, and pay them first. If you underestimate your taxes, you can be found guilty of something and lose your extension AND be charged a late payment. OF COURSE I WAS GOING TO UNDERESTIMATE THEM! I was going to put in ZERO as my tax liability and figure it out later. Also, any money you don't pay now will actually be charged interest.

Basically, in order to get an extension, you must go through the whole process of filing and paying your taxes anyway. I figured it'd be like when you want an extension on your term paper and you ask the teacher nicely and there are zero penalties or drawbacks or lengthy forms to fill out. Unfair.

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