Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Tonight's episode of Lost taught me that Cheech Marin is capable of making people fat with harmless "live a little, eat a candy bar" speeches. It also taught me never go inside any fictional chicken joints owned by Hurley when a meteor or cruise missile plans on going inside said joint.

Speaking of Lost, I spent no less than an hour and a half on Sunday putting together my super-duper Kate action figure that Priskiller got me. Yes, I'm bragging; it could have taken way longer. The box has no instructions, extra pieces and nothing fits logically together. There's not much shame in being outsmarted by inanimate objects, as long as it doesn't happen more than once a week or so.

My other complaint is that Kate doesn't look as sexy as she does on the show; her arms, in fact, resemble mummified tree branches. Also, the plane prop they threw in is rather a waste. I'd be much happier with a scantily clad photo of Evangeline Lilly instead. The action figure speaks, but so far I haven't heard "Oh L Bo, come carry me away in your big strong arms and let me be the other half of the equation when you sire our children. Please!" I hope Todd McFarlane puts out an updated version soon, like he does for his baseball series when a player gets traded to a new team.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well dude, they couldn't put something ready-to-use in a box and label it "Lost." If it were simple to put together, they'd have to call it "Easy," and then there'd be a whole demographic you don't want to rub elbows with in line at Toys R Us buying this doll. Think about it.

And you're welcome!