Sunday, April 15, 2007

Go Dynamo. It's your birthday.

We're gonna party like there's a nor'easter on your actual birthday (so not so much, as rain dampens spirits, umbrellas, and once, my wallet. That sucked, and then it took me a long time to replace it.) But the rest of the time was fun. Everybody, have fun checking out a recap of Dynamo's birthday. Everybody, check out Dynamo make adjectives out of nouns too! But mostly, everybody read about his birthday fun!

1 more minute of birthday fun, Dynamo (according to the highly accurate and never tampered with blogspot official timepiece). Enjoy it while it lasts, because tomorrow I'm going to sucker punch you. Just cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop altering the past! Or did you get a DeLorean and not tell me? I imagine those are significantly easier to park than your current vehicle, and will be much more intimidating to your crazyass, tire-puncturing neighbors.