Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lost in a fantasy

I finally made good use of Dynamo's Tivo remote Wednesday night during Kate's "Oops, I'm conveniently wearing a thong" scene. Imagine getting on that plane in granny panties, and then crashing on the island. I'd be mortified, and wishing I listened to my mom when she told me to wear clean underwear and pack extras, just in case.

50 something days on an island though, and she's still white as heavy cream. Smooth, luscious, delicious heavy cream wearing a mismatched thong and bra.*
SPF 5000 much, Kate? At least she could never reject me based on my own whiteness flaw.

*Note: None of this matters much. The owner and sole contributor to this blog is completely in love with Evangeline Lilly. If you're reading this (and why wouldn't you be) come to my apartment and eat marshmallows with me, sans clothing, on my shiny copper naugahyde couch. Though this offer is too good to be true, it's also ongoing.


Anonymous said...

You better edit that footnote quick unless you want me, Jess and extrawack showing up to your pad in our own mismatched, Peeps-loving skivvies.

Anonymous said...

I see you're dreaming of heavy cream. Is that cause you don't think you're fat?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! You should spend it updating your blog. Or let your uncle guest on it.

L BO said...

Clarification: the footnote is mostly for Evangeline Lilly. DEFINITELY not for extrawack, or any other male suitors. That's just now how I roll.