Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Justice should be served with real maple syrup

About 6 months ago, Dynamo got Xbox 360 for his birthday, ushering in his self-proclaimed AX age. We decided (or most likely just me, since it doesn't seem he had anything to gain from this) that whoever got 5 games first would own the Xbox, just as whoever gets 5 votes first in the Supreme Court gets to give the other side wedgies after taking away our privacy. For more recap, I suggest re-reading Justice For All.

Well, Dynamo got to 5 games a few weeks ago, but I've been in denial and am planning an appeal. His lady friend suggests a recount, which might involve trashing some of his wacker games. To be fair, that's all of them at this point. Plus, I play Xbox 360 a lot more than he does. Sure, some of that has to do with me "not really having to go to work," but so what? You take advantages where you can get them.

In the spirit of our old contest, I've started a blog war between us. See, Dynamo has been very productive as of late, adding new blogs and what not. At this moment, his 30 blogs eclipses my 28. But with this gem, I'll be at 29, and poised to overtake him. Unless, of course, I forget to write any, and he reads this first and starts to amass blog posting faster than I can. So expect many more, 3rd-rate or lower, words of wisdom from me in the coming weeks.

The first salvo has been fired.

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