Monday, May 25, 2009

Congratulations to Me!

Dee and Marteeeeen had their baby today and that makes me an uncle! Well, sorta, since I don't have any blood relation to either of them. In college, one of my roommates who was probably more needy than the newborn (and definitely drunker) would refer to me as Mr. The Uncle The Larry, and Marteeeeeen and Dee have picked up the coherent part of that and will tell the baby to call me Uncle Larry. Thankfully, baby Maren wasn't born the same day as me, because I don't like to share. In further good news, the baby is really cute, which almost never happens. Newborns are NOT cute. It's a fact. I'm not saying baby Maren is cuter than a bear cub, but she does elicits "aww"s and "soooo cute!" So, well done to Dee and Martin, and again, congratulations. To me.


HumanDynamo said...

I always thought you were more the father larry type, but that's cause you love hitting on sister mary of the divine.

Jesse said...

Bears cubs are cute on a sliding scale, with polar bear cubs at the top and animatronic Country Bear Jamboree cubs at the bottom. Any baby that slides in higher than koala is in pretty good shape.

L BO said...

Oh, so you find my copies of Sister Act 1 and 2 in my private DVD area and you think that means something?

L BO said...

What are Country Bear Jamboree animatronic bear cubs, and where can I get one?