Monday, September 28, 2009

Greatest Product Since (Ever)

Recently, HD let me borrow his Manlac...I mean "Blue Lightning"... to drive Janet out to New Jersey to win a free cruise and buy me pizza, because it gets better gas mileage than the Pimp Van. His Prius, not the pizza. His GPS, which stands for Gladly Puts you there System, is voiced by a very nice lady who sounds like she wishes people would take her more seriously and not decide to mess up her carefully designed routes by making wrong turns, thus forcing her to reroute our trip. C'est la vie, as I always say.

The Greatest Product Since ever is amazing in that it allows me to do two things. The first is hide my horrible sense of direction. Now I no longer need to phone HD for directions when I get lost driving around my own block. The second is I really no longer need to read street signs. About two years ago, I decided to give up on reading street signs, road signs or any other literature The Man decided to post in my field of vision while driving. Instead, I force my navigator to read for me. Now, with the help of the GPS lady, I no longer have to submit myself to the more unsavory aspects of driving and am free to weave in and out of traffic.


koolredd said...

I love weaving in and out of traffic too....and by traffic, of course, I mean your girl

L BO said...

maaaaan. c'mon. my mom reads this.