Thursday, November 05, 2009

This Dating Life 4

The world of online dating is rife with women my age who can't spell without adding "z"s to the end of words or think it's acceptable to both start and end a sentence with "lol." Recently I was contacted by a lady who opened an email exchange with "hey you seem cool." And that was it. I understand it's hard to make first contact and maybe even harder for the female persuasion as it's not something many are used to, but come a little stronger than that. Her reply to my reply was this:
hahaha, nice! so whats up, hows ur week been?
That was the last round of communication. Someone who doesn't have enough to say to even fill up a Twitterdum post can't even be bothered to spell it YOUR? I'm sorry, were you being charged per letter? Are my standards too high because I think it'd be nice if the other person in my conversation could talk as well?

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