Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm Allergic To...

Recently, I received my first physical in three years, which I was more excited than is probably normal for.  I was very brave during my tetanus shot (apparently you need one every 10 years, but if you can't remember your last one, it's ok to double or quadruple up) and blood-let like a champ (I'm very competitive).  Despite this, I did NOT receive a lolly or any stickers.  Perhaps I should return to my old pediatrician; he always had a stockpile of He-Man and GI Joe stickers for me.

What really had me excited was the blood test I was getting for allergies.  For many years, I'd been allergic to fresh strawberries, and now this test would tell me whether I'd outgrown that.  For eight, long, stressful, other adjective days after, I awaited the results.  Salvation came in the form of a phone message, letting me know I was allergic to apples and pears (I beg to differ), but no mention of strawberries.  I was cured!  Possibly even by the power of Greyskull.  A few years ago, I faced my aversion to pecan pie, and proudly declared it not yuck, which meant there wasn't a single pie I didn't like.  I could now say the same in the fresh fruit realm; there isn't a single, non-poisonous berry I can't, and won't, eat!

This elation was short-lived, however, as the phone message droned on and on about things I am allergic. Surprisingly, I'm allergic to mold, but only one kind.  There goes my plan to coat my apartment in mold.  I'm also severely allergic to hazelnuts, but am allowed to eat them (not logical), and a slew of trees: maple, birch, beech, elm, cotton wood, pecan / hickory, and finally, most allergic to oak trees, which is odd, because I used to play with acorns all the time as a kid.  I'll avoid trees as much as I can for now, but I think it's finally time those tall bastards got what they deserve.  Time to chop down forests!


Unknown said...

I almost always feel terrible after I eat a tree. I never realized you could be allergic to them. Whatever. Allergies are all mental. Peanuts only make you die if you THINK they'll make you die. Or if you borrowed money from Mr. Peanut. Mr. Peanut doesn't play. Believe that.

pkiller said...

Holy craps. You are hanging on by a thread, my allergic friend. Stay away from trees! Except for the fake ones inside the Borgata.

Unknown said...

Nice post.. Thanks for sharing with us..

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