Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Robots Amongst Us

I think my coworker is a robot. Of course I'm scared, cause all robots are programmed to kill, usually women named Sarah Connor. Ok, so this guy/metal man isn't The Terminator, but he could be A terminator. I'd like to present Exhibit A, an email conversation with him, as evidence:


Mr Roboto,

I assume Angl0-Saxon Roboto is a
decently common name, but I came across this while searching for myself:

Were you ever affiliated with the band in some way?
I took photos of them back in the day that they used on their site…

Possible Robot Guy:
Not me. You are right both my first and last name and the combination of the 2 are very com-mon in the U-nited States of A-mer-i-ca, England, Ireland and Scotland. Please give me robot food.
*arms swinging back and forth mechanically*

And if that's not enough to convince you that the robot invasion is in full swing, witness the picture I found on the internet and decided looked just like him:


Anonymous said...

You took pics of Ted Leo and his merry band of pharmacists?! Maybe you can tell me what they look like then, because I got to the Death Cab show late and missed their performance. Je suis loser.

Anonymous said...

Dude, isn't your roommate part bionical now too? I'd watch out if I were you. And keep that grassroots bear militia of yours on standby, just in case.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that when you say robot food, I think of spaghetti-o's?

L BO said...

Show yourself, O Anonymous One, and I will answer your non-eponymous question.

Anonymous said...

I got arrested for showing myself once. Don't think I'm gonna fall for that trap again!

HumanDynamo said...

All I need is a little oil and a brain from The Wizard. Robots shall rule the earth again some day. *Mechanical Laughter*