Sunday, December 21, 2008

This Dating Life 3

So I had another date, and this one went pretty well. She was attractive, didn't dress like a lumberjack and at least faked a reach for her purse when the check came. Sure, she didn't use many words correctly and couldn't understand how freelancing worked, but I'm not that picky. It seemed we both had a good time, and I was expecting a 2nd date. The 2nd date never materialized, however, and I was told her gut didn't think we were a good match. I wonder if it had anything to do with me loving the Muppets and her, to this day, cowering in fear whenever anyone mentions The Count. One, one date that we went on. Two, two dates we'll never go on.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Her gut tells her things? Like, more than "I have to poop now"? My gut hardly tells me anything that isn't related to gas or hunger or my rupturing appendix.