Friday, October 24, 2008

This Dating Life 2

I really wish the really cute girl who lives upstairs spoke better English, because I speak zero Russian. I also wish I knew for certain she wasn't a prostitute, for that matter. She's always around in the middle of the day, and is never able to open the front door, so I always have to buzz her in. That doesn't mean she's a prostitute, but her lock opening skills are sub-par. I just went upstairs to turn off her burglar alarm, and she clearly doesn't know the English for the phrase "Come in, let me show you my bed, so that we may share it naked. O yeah, I am also very flexible, and my attractive female roommate is too."


Anonymous said...

Wait, aren't you home during the day too? Hooker!

L BO said...

just what are you saying? and why are you having an identity crisis, between killer and killa?

Anonymous said...

It's a cry for help.

L BO said...

the best help, in fact the cure to your one-upmanship of yourself, is to go back and read all my blog postings, and comment on each and everyone. then, quickly, bring me haribo sour colas, before you become pkilleresterest.

Anonymous said...

:D But... so much clicking... Maybe I should just stick to commenting on this one post?

Haribo frogs are where it's at.

Jesse said...

do all the hot Russian ladies come to America? or only some of them? Like, what's Russia looking like right now? Is this why Putin always looks like he's about to shiv someone - no hot chicks left in his country? My hair-stylist is a hot Russian...or former know. Eastern European. I don't know...I'm not a conversation guy. My point is I don't exactly live in LA or NYC. If they're coming to Buffalo they can't be too picky, right? Right??

...I think I need a haircut.