Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Recently I got into an argument with HD's brother, Brainiac. We started discussing global warming and he told me he didn't believe it because he heard scientists with data to contradict all the scientists who say it's upon us. And it was very convincing. Just like I believe the scientists who use their data to show me global warming is occurring, he believes his crackpots. Sure, he's entitled to his opinion. He's dead wrong, and it's a stupid opinion, but he's entitled to it.

I asked him if one weather man told him a terribly destructive storm was on it's way and another denied it, would he prepare or sit on his front porch? I think it's the same situation here. On the very, VERY off chance global warming is a myth, wouldn't you still want to be prepared against it? Are recycling and cutting pollution really horrible things to aspire to? If climate change was a myth, who would be perpetrating it? Maybe it's like a weird Doctor Who plot, with Al Gore as the evil alien villain, trying to make our planet clean and livable so his alien brethren can take over. That's a much more convincing argument for me than "scientific" "data". If it's all the same with you, I'll watch this one from behind the couch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude I totally agree with you. Even if it's not happening, it still doesn't hurt to do things that are better for the world. And I mean ignoring carbon based fuels causing global warming, they cause pollution (i.e. smog) and usually come from repressive countries where we're basically paying them to continue running. AND at some point we're going to run out of them.