Monday, January 25, 2010

This Dating Life, Part the Eleventieth

Online dating has gotten even worse for me. Tired of paying for sites and then not taking women out cause I'm what many refer to as "broke," I opted to go for quantity over quality and cut the pay sites loose. Plentyoffish is great, because it's free, and only 70% of the women take their own photos. Out of them, only about half take 8 photos in a row from slightly different angles, and then post them online sideways, so you have to break your neck to check them out. The rest use cell phone cameras into a mirror with the flash on (BRILLIANT!), the arms length shot of their face only, or the computer shot in a dim-lit room. Real flattering.

However, now I don't even have weird conversations with women like "do you like my dog?" It's just conversations that don't ever even get off the ground because I don't deal well with people who have nothing to say.
Now, it's "hey how's it going?"

It's going well, how are you? I'm making a toy boat out of balsa wood and soon I'll go outside to collect snow for an indoor snowman.
"I'm doing laundry lol."

LOL???? REALLY??? You're laughing out loud that you're doing laundry?? My standards have sunk pretty low, but I'm still looking for people who aren't morons. If you're over 25, you shouldn't be starting AND ending the same sentence with LOL. I know it's odd, but I find basic conversational and spelling skills and reasoning abilities attractive. It should be called Plentyoffishthatcan' instead. Because they can't spell. At all.

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