Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rappity Rap Songs

It's been a while since I've written anything, but a recent mind state led to me picking up pen and paper again. Sorry, not everything I write can be funny.

Lack of Aggression

Used to be awkward and forward but now that's over
Now I'm more cautious and timid, scared to be tipped over
Risks are for the Brave & the Bold
Feeling like my bones are brittle but not that old
Need a teamup with Batman like Booster Gold
To boost my self esteem and see my worth as pure gold


Letting everyone down
I should be an arch
A buttress, a fortress, something sturdy
not a bust
The Eldest, should be on my feet
Not asking for handouts, begging at your feet
What happened to my feats?
Legendary, hardly
But something more than Potential are they?

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