Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back in the Saddle

So I had my first job interview in almost three years today, to be a part time photography teacher for elementary school and junior high kids at a non profit after school center. It started off not so great, as I somehow got lost in the city and walked the wrong way, ending up 5-10 minutes late for a position that was close to being filled anyway. I spoke with the Director of the Media Center for a few minutes, and then she sprung on me teaching the kids, who are of all different skill levels and already know how to print black and white, how to print. Oh, and then she enhanced my resume for me, telling the kids they were lucky to have a professional photographer and graphic designer on hand as their visiting artist and teacher. I don't think I'm really a professional at this point, but it sounded cool to all the kids, so I had to go with it. Thankfully I wasn't quizzed, but I feel secure I could mostly outsmart 12 year olds if it came to it. It's like on a first date though. I try to be interesting and myself, only better, funnier and more charming. However, I would never say I have my own detective agency or I once climbed Mt. Everest, because she's going to be disappointed enough after the second date without finding out I'm a liar also.

Four hours and many headlocks broken up later and I couldn't help feeling I'd just been suckered into working for free. Interview, my ass. It ended with the director and I speaking about how the day went, and before I could stop myself, I was taking off my shoes and changing to basketball sneakers. In my defense, the back of my feet were all cut up. Hey, if a date ends with me taking off my shoes, that's a good night right?


Tonight I started to appreciate the value of living alone. Walking in the apartment, I was able to throw everything down, shed my pants, sit down on the couch and turn on whatever I wanted, with no fear of Suze Orman raising her ugly head, or anyone being disturbed by my less than fully clothed state. I also learned a valuable lesson: drinking a liter of Dr. Pepper before bedtime will probably lead to nervousness, twitching, anxious energy and most likely render bedtime useless.

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