Monday, February 11, 2008

End of an Era

In between crashed scaffolding and "haha, you're moving to Jersey" jokes, Sunday, me, Dynamo, his quite sick lady friend, and his incomprehensible and constantly plotting cousin moved Dynamo and said lady friend to Jersey City, New Jersey. USA. Why would we do such a thing? Mostly because Dynamo got a job in Parsippany, NJ, USA, making machines emit noise so that something can be tested. Finally getting a chance to pursue his dream career of software engineer without having to sacrifice his morals and help build better tracking devices for military killing machines, he's been waking at 4:00 AM and getting home at 5:30 PM or later, cranky about half the time. Now, thanks to the physics of distance and time, he can comfortably sleep till 5:30 AM and be home much earlier.

Unfortunately, Dynamo had to sacrifice living in the Dr. Seuss wing of the Brooklyn castle we have shared since it's purchase last October. Moving day was odd, dividing cups, plates and silverware and trying to make sure HD left with important things he'd need for the coming week, including bottles of alcohol, the Boondocks book and his electric razor. While I got to keep the rice cooker and I'll probably hide the salsa maker so I don't lose that, I have lost the stainless steel kitchen/prep table, used for eating, cooking and putting things when I walk in the apartment. I'm left with a dining room table which is much less glamorous, and no way to put it together, because Dynamo saw fit to steal the nuts that kept the legs on.

As good friends since 9th grade, I have no doubt we'll stay close despite the distance to Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. However, there's definitely a dynamic change between best friends and roommates. It also means I'm going to have to start leaving the comfort of my home to hang out with a friend, which is mighty inconvenient for me. While helping him pack moving morning, I couldn't help thinking of the episode of Friends when Joey moves out of the apartment him and Chandler share because he has more money now and wants to experience living on his own.

Since I'm too poor to buy out the other half, we're going to continue owning it together and I'm going to get a new roommate. My friend Jamie (who, despite his name, happens to be a guy) is moving in on April 1st. Until then, for the first time in my 26.75 years of living, I find myself living by myself. The first day was definitely lonely and a little weird. There's now this room downstairs (we live in a duplex) where someone used to live that's neither cleaned out nor full. It's almost taboo; I see the stairs that lead down every time I go to the bathroom, but have no reason to go downstairs, so I shun it and pretend it doesn't exist. While I miss Dynamo, at least I'm not staying up late watching the rain on the window and wondering if he is too, a la previously mentioned Friends episode. Besides, I think I miss the Xbox 360 more.

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