Monday, February 25, 2008

End of Another Era: Question Mark?

My unemployment adventures may be coming to a close. Not really by choice. "Freelancing" since June 15 of last year hasn't been all that bad if you don't think making money is important in any way. It has allowed me to pursue other interests, including watching a lot of Scrubs reruns, being lazy, sleeping in and making banana fritters.

I had a slight scare the other day, when I actually got the non-profit job I had interviewed for. I remember being ambushed at the interview, probably not too unlike how Swamp Fox used to ambush Redcoats, and being told I had to teach the kids for 3 hours that day. Nervous and in somewhat of a panic, I desperately looked around for an escape route, before going to the bathroom and talking myself out of removing the bars from the window. Despite all that, and spending most of my time engaged in a conversation about how cool Carnage is, I got the job.

Unfortunately, due to fears of giving up my daytime (and nighttime) cookie eating parties, my inability to commit for a year and their repeated usage of the abbreviation ASAP, I had to pass. The job was given to my runner-up when I asked for some extra time to think about it. It was tough to pass up, in light of having a mortgage to pay, but at the end of the day, it wasn't like someone walked up to me and asked me to join the Justice League. "Here's your power ring, we really think you could help us fight crime and evil aliens bent on world domination. It is full time, so you'll have to abandon any dreams of being a photographer, but you can fly and have super strength." That would be an easy decision.

After dodging that bullet sans powers, I think I'm going to go celebrate by taking a nap on the couch.

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